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Kenya Meteorological Society

Date: 2019-05-21

View counts: 3064    


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36.82 °
-1.28 °
"he Kenya Meteorological Society (KMS) was registered in 1987, as a non-profit making professional/scientific society, in a bid to promote the understanding of meteorology and its applications, among other functions, in Kenya and beyond. During its short span of existence, the Society has undertaken its duties with dedication. Objectives: Collect, register, analyze and from time to time publish proceedings which have contributed to the progress of meteorological knowledge. Offer facilities for communicating important discoveries which contribute towards advancement of meteorological knowledge. Collect and maintain a valuable library of scientific works and charts which will be accumulated constantly. Secure the property of the society so as to extend its operations and give it more permanent establishment among the scientific institutions in the country. Liaise with other scientific organizations, institutions etc; both inside and outside the country especially those related to meteorological field for efficient and effective exchange of knowledge in meteorology. Enhance and promote usage of meteorological knowledge to alleviate poverty and increase food security so as to improve quality of life particularly the common Mwananchi"
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