"The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) was created in 1999 during the second term of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Its main objectives address political and scientific issues: - Establish the position of the government in terms of political and strategic orientations with respect to both the water resources availability for local development, and its sustainability at national and international scale, - Carry out scientific research on the potential of underground and surface water resources to establish scientific knowledge on the topic, - Set directions and roadmap at short, medium and long term with respect to water consumption to fulfill the needs of the country’s development, of the industry and preserve those of urban and rural populations, - Control and monitor all activities consuming water to mitigate incurred risks, - Prepare and draft laws and regulations linked to the use of water and control procedures, - Gather documents and build a technical data about climate and hydrology regarding water uses nationally and abroad, find return on investment for the scientific research, - Raise the awareness of the industry, NGOs, civilian communities and populations about the development and the exploitation of water resources, and advise them technically on the matter, - Communicate and vulgarize innovative techniques with respect to the use of water use and its treatments, - Collaborate and participate in the management of the Mekong Basin, considering both the management of water resources and meteorology"