- Online map of South America countries and regions
- China 's Sixteen States pre Liang, pre Qin , pre Yan of the historical map
- Online thematic map of Chinese Integrated Regionalization Natural Disaster (1: 32 million)
- The historical map of Qin, Wei, South Liang, North Liang, west liang, south yan, Xia, West Qin, North Yan during in the Sixteen countries period
- Online map of high temperature period and rainy periods consistent in China
- Online map direct economic losses caused by environmental pollution and destructive accidents in China (1: 32 million)
- Online Map of Jiangxi Province in 1933 during the Republic of China
- Online map of Chinese coastal beaches, ports, tourism resources and marine development
- Chinese tobacco plants resources (flue-cured tobacco, sun-cured tobacco) Online map
- Map of Chinese terrain