- 2022.04.14: Earthquake Information of 108 km W of Illapel, Chile
- 2022.04.15: Earthquake Information of 19 km W of Meulaboh, Indonesia
- 2022.04.16: Earthquake Information of Off the coast of Valparaiso, Chile
- 2022.04.17: Earthquake Information of 171 km SSW of Dompu, Indonesia
- 2022.04.20: Earthquake Information of 101 km SSW of Luwuk, Indonesia
- 2022.04.18: Earthquake Information of 30 km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia
- 2022.04.19: Earthquake Information of 29 km ESE of San Ignacio, Philippines
- 2022.04.28: Earthquake Information of 12 km E of Santa Monica, Philippines
- 2022.04.29: Earthquake Information of 112 km SSE of Lembar, Indonesia
- 2022.05.07: Earthquake Information of 136 km WNW of Naha, Japan