- December 14, 2017 Earthquake Information of 177km SE of Kuril'sk, Russia
- 2020.10.24: Earthquake Information of 40 km W of Jiangyou, China
- Ningqiang M5.3 Earthquake is the aftershock of Wenchuan Earthquake. Shaanxi Seismological Bureau has started the second-order emergency response.
- November 6, 2017 Earthquake Information of Hihifo, Tonga
- 2020.11.10: Earthquake Information of 24 km ESE of Rasht, Tajikistan
- Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
- 2020.09.29: Earthquake Information of 8 km WNW of Buin, Chile
- 2020.10.20: Earthquake Information of 23 km SSE of Pullo, Peru
- June 5, 2018 Earthquake Information of 224km ENE of Neiafu, Tonga
- Gao Mengtan