- June 6, 2017 Earthquake Information of Antigua
- 2020.08.02: Earthquake Information of 206 km WSW of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea
- Revision of seismic design codes corresponding to building damages in the “5.12” Wenchuan earthquake
- January 8, 2020 Earthquake Information of 13km SE of Borazjan, Iran
- 2022.10.02: Earthquake Information of 69 km E of La Rivera, Mexico
- 2021.03.23: Earthquake Information of 100 km NE of Aksu, China
- March 13, 2020 Earthquake Information of 86km ENE of Iquique, Chile
- 2020.10.23: Earthquake Information of 54 km NNW of Madang, Papua New Guinea
- 2021.07.15: Earthquake Information of 144 km E of Miyako, Japan
- June 6, 2017 Earthquake Information of Kuril Islands