Label : TurkeyFallow landAgricultureAgricultural pesticides
Date: 2023-02-12
View counts: 652
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In order to better track changes in agricultural machinery and equipment and better formulate agricultural policies, long-term agricultural statistics need to be formed. The dataset of agricultural land in the provinces of Turkey is stored in tabular form, the language type is Turkish and described in English, and these data are collected through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) and regional offices of the Turkish provinces. This dataset covers the total area of agricultural land in Turkish provinces for a total of 6 years from 2017 to 2022 and the land area of five crops such as Sown area, Fallow land,Vegetable,Gardens Fruits, beverage and spice crops, Ornamental Plants, the agricultural land in this dataset does not include land under permanent grassland and pasture, The data table can be downloaded in the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Agricultural Statistics Database.
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