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Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation(USA)

Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation(USA)

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Date: 2017-02-28

View counts: 2852

The Introduction of this website are as follow:

Our primary focus is on the research community and practicing engineers who develop the innovations necessary to reduce the impact of seismic disasters. We also work diligently to encourage students of all ages to consider study in science and engineering and if they are already on that path, offer tools, knowledge, opportunity and experiences to succeed.

During the first six years of research at the NEES experimental facilities located at universities across the country, 160 multi-year projects have been completed or are in progress.

The uniqueness of these projects is the use of leading-edge, online simulation tools and the ability to test at large scale -- often involving multiple sites and investigators -- to better replicate a real-world quake or tsunami. Studies have ranged from improving the seismic performance of steel and concrete structures to understanding geotechnical responses (using shake tables, floor-mounted actuator assemblies, centrifuges, and field equipment). Many advances in earthquake engineering have been made during this time.

As you explore our site, you will discover the depth and breadth of our efforts, from educational resources and opportunities for K-16 students and educators, to powerful simulation tools for researchers and professionals, to international partnerships with large testing facilities such as the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention’s (NIED) 3-D Full-Scale Earthquake Testing Facility (E-Defense) in Miki, Japan, which is the world’s largest shake table.

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