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Preliminary analysis of the hanging wall effect and velocity pulse of the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake

Date: 2018-06-01      View counts: 3626    


Liu Qifang, Li Xiaojun
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Analysis of earthquake disaster
Paper Keyword
Wenchuan earthquake; hanging wall effect; velocity pulse; attenuation
A preliminary study of the PGA attenuation, hanging wall effect and velocity pulse characteristics from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake of Ms =8.0 is described in this paper. The study was carried out through analyses in the time and frequency domains of main earthquake records. In the PGA attenuation study, records from 316 stations less than 1000 km from the surface rupture of the fault were used as a database and attenuation relationships were developed and compared with some existing relationships that are widely used in mainland China, Chinese Taiwan and the US. At the same time, records from 28 stations less than 100 km from the fault were used to study the hanging wall effect and velocity pulse characteristics of this earthquake based on the distribution of PGA, PGV, spectral acceleration, and the velocity pulse peak, and the results are compared with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. In addition, the large PGAs of the UD components observed in this event are also discussed in this paper. From the results of the preliminary study, some conclusions are developed and suggestions for further research are proposed.
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