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Employing multi-criteria decision analysis and geospatial techniques to assess flood risks: A study of Barguna district in Bangladesh

Date: 2023-12-25      View counts: 374    


Nur Mohammad Ha-Mim a
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
Paper Keyword
Disaster Risk zonation,Floodvulnerability,Multi-criteria GIS,Indexing
Most of the coastal districts of Bangladesh are vulnerable to floods in the face of climate change. As a result, assessing and mapping the potential risks of flood on maps become crucial to mitigate risks and enhance adaptation plans. This research paper ponders a systematic methodological approach by considering quantitative data obtained from secondary sources to generate maps of flood-induced risks and vulnerability in the Barguna district. The specific method contemplates four major steps as: (i) used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to generate comprehensive weights of hazard exposure and vulnerability; (ii) prepared a hazard exposure map using the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach; (iii) deployed the indexing method to calculate the vulnerability indices for the study area; and (iv) generated the comprehensive flood risk maps by integrating AHP results, MCDM outcomes, and vulnerability indices upon employing geographic information systems (GIS). The status of the flood risk of the study area are identified and quantified as very high (168 sq. km, 12.91%), high (321 sq. km, 24.74%), moderate (368 sq. km, 28.37%), low (316 sq. km, 24.37%), and very low (125 sq. km, 9.61%). Also, results demonstrate that the southern and northeastern parts of the study area are likely to be catego rized as higher risk of potential flooding. Furthermore, a flood risk zonation map is prepared to better explain the underlying dynamics of the associated risk components in different regions. Note that, the results of this study are critical for policymakers to complement development strategies by reducing flood related risks while engaging multiple stakeholders.
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