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Claudia Kuenzer

Claudia Kuenzer

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Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences
Head of the group ‘Land Surface Dynamics’ at the German Earth Observation Centre, EOC, of the German Aerospace Centre, DLR.
Work Experience
Dr. Kuenzer is scientific coordinator of the BMBF - MOST-CN funded DELIGHT Project (Delta Information System for Geoenvironmental and Human Habitat Transition in the Yellow River Delta, China), as well as of the BMBF – MOST-VN funded project CATCH-MEKONG (on Upstream Downstream influences in the transboundary Mekong Basin). She frequently lectures and has lectured for the Universities of Wuerzburg, Vienna University of Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences, and the European Space Agency, ESA. Dr. Kuenzer is head of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Thermal Remote Sensing, and a Scientific Steering Committee member of the LOICZ (Land and Ocean Interaction on the Coastal Zone) programme under Future Earth. She has authored and co-authored > 60 SCI journal papers, and > 100 conference contributions, and has published two books with Springer. Dr. Kuenzer is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing, and acts as a reviewer for 15 SCI journals from the field of remote sensing, environmental sciences, and geophysics. Next to applied remote sensing especially in the context of land use management and integrated water resources management, her current main research interest is on time series analyses, as well as on the linkage of natural and social sciences.
Dr. Kuenzer is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Remote Sensing, and acts as a reviewer for 15 SCI journals from the field of remote sensing, environmental sciences, and geophysics.
Ph D
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